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  • What Is HarmonySite? (Valley Voices)
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 26 Jul 2024
    Please spread the word to share the HarmonySite to any group that would benefit from having a website that is user friendly.
    It could be any of the following:
    • Choirs – community, church, chamber, childrens, etc
    • Barbershop choruses – Mens and Womens
    • Clubs – Rotary, Lions, Toastmasters, etc
    • Orchestras
    • Marching bands
    • Art societies
    • Chambers of Commerce
    • Industry associations
    • ANY group that has members and events!
    HarmonySite is
     A centralized group management tool
    A website to promote your group/choir/chorus
    A communications hub for the members

    Check out the link to find out about pricing and their referral program.
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